Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our new bus

Well, not really.

My German cousin has always dreamed of having a VW bus.  When he heard we were moving to Pasadena, he asked if I'd be willing to help find one in good condition.  Well, he found one.  Sunday we drove up to Santa Barbara.  After stopping for delicious fresh fish tacos, I checked out the bus, while L and the kids went to the beach.  Satisfied that the vehicle was in excellent condition, I made the purchase and drove it back to Pasadena via the Pacific Coast Highway, through Malibu and Santa Monica.

Check out the license plate.

The sunset off Santa Monica.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Severe Weather Alert

I couldn't believe this headline from weather.com.  Oh No, 53 degrees!  We have had frost, and once I had to scrape ice off of the windshield before taking the kids to school.  But really now.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rose Bowl Parade

New Years day we watched the Rose Bowl parade go down Colorado Street, just a few blocks North of our house.  We bought bleacher seats, meaning that once we sat down we were trapped until the parade was over.  The bleachers had roughly 28 benches, with easily 40 people per bench (probably more like 60 or 80).  More than 1000 people.  I'd never guess  how little space 1000 people take up.

Next year we will stand on the street.  Hopefully we'll also get a chance to participate in the New Years Eve partying that goes on up and down the street, as people camp out to claim a good spot for viewing the parade.